
hola amigos.

förs vill jag säga förlåt till dig mallan för att jag bara drog iväg så fort igår. hoppas du hittade något att sysselsätta dig med. mådde sjukt dåligt så jag var tvungen. typ grät till tunnelbanan HAHAAH mobbad.

och sen, hoppas ni har jobbad bra på engelska lektionerna??

jag skriver upp det jag gjort än så länge så får vi hoppas ni ser det innan ni slutar så ni kan arb eta vidare med det:


Ireland is the third largest island in Europe and the population is 4 million people. The capital and largest city is Dublin, and in Ireland you speck both Irish and English. The island lies right next to Great Britain.

The Irish school have three levels witch are, primary, secondary and higher. Education in Ireland is free at all levels, even college. However it's only free for students applying from the EU. School is compulsory for children between six and fifteen, apart from some exceptions.

The biggest sport in Ireland is hurling, that's also the native sport and it's really popular. The most typical food is Irish stew and the weather is rainy and damp. It rains more than 300 days a year.

The Irish accent is a bit different from the British accent and one important thing is the pronunciation of ''i'', it sounds more like ''oi''. And in more casual moments they switch the ''th'', in example thinks to ''t'', so it becomes ''tinks''. Also, it can be helpful to think that the whole accent is coming from the front of the mouth. We have a really good video that we want to show you:


Some Irish slang

  • Bunk off – to skip school.

  • Chiseler – a child

  • Jacks – toilet

  • Jo maxi – taxi

  • Mot – girlfriend

National song

Sung in Irish -

Sung in English -

Postat av: Mallan

De e lungt :)) blev bara lite arg då jag missade min buss.. men jag överlevde!

VI jobbade flitigt på lektionen och kollade inte bloggar... bra! så vi gjorde lite själva bara, meeeen vi får väl lägga ihop allt och dela upp det och sådääärrr! hej!

2011-03-11 @ 17:12:11

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